Bid Projects
The BID has projects in the areas of Landscape and General Maintenance; Marketing, Promotion and PR; and Security.
The idea is to try to keep the area a bit cleaner and have some extra eyes and ears in the community to supplement but not to replace city services. There are teams of anywhere from 5 to 45 people cleaning 5 days per week and regular activities include:
Weed abatement
Graffiti removal
Tree and plant care
Reporting and Removing Bulky Items
Cleaning of sidewalks, gutters, alleyways and other public areas
Plus, our regular security patrols help deter criminal activity and provide intel to police to help catch and prosecute those suspected of criminal activity in our area.
Some of our BID projects have included:
Leveraging our funds to reengineer some badly degraded alleys
Received grants for awnings for store fronts
Repair or replacement of graffiti-etched Windows and application of anti-graffiti film
Power washing and sanitizing sidewalks and other problem areas
Initiation, co-author and delegate which helped Canoga Park win National Civic Leagues coveted All-America City Award, (the first such recognition for the City of Los Angeles).
Bringing events to district which has helped to foster a sense of community
Highlight our unique businesses and inspired the creation of the Canoga Park Arts District
Received grants for public art and greenery projects.
emergencies + Requests
For Landscape emergencies or security concerns (after calling 877-ASK-LAPD for non-emergency dispatch, or 911 for life-threatening or crime in progress emergencies) call our office 24/7 at (818) 346-7480 or for a Text-Only number use (818) 606-8652